About Us
Stars nursery was set up by 2 working mums in 2010 to provide a one stop drop for families. Located in a prime location, on site at Wolfson Hillel school in Southgate we provide parents care for children of different ages in one place, making the morning school run so much smoother for many parents.
The nursery boasts fantastic outside play area, a sensory room. under the sea baby room, a jungle themed toddler room and the over 2’s rainbow room with four-themed rooms to give children an opportunity to explore the six areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage identified by Ofsted, with an additional Limudei Kodesh curriculum. Many of the children leave the nursery and join the foundation stage at Wolfson Hillel School seamlessly with their friends.
Our Philosophy
We are devoted to providing childcare that is educationally strong but is also warm and caring for children to play in a environment that is nurturing and supportive. In order to reach the potential in every child in all areas of learning and development we listen to the children and their parents.
Every day at the nursery we follow the guidelines of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), making sure that the children learn a variety of different skills through play. Activities are set up to encourage the children to play with different toys and equipment that teach the children the 7 areas of learning and development as identified in the EYFS.